Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My name is Steve,
And until the Lord takes me home and gives me a new name, I am a believer in, and a lover of, Jesus Christ! Although I am human and I fail Him every day, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, He was born of a virgin, was crucified on a cross, died for our sins and rose again on the third day to give us salvation! He loves all of us dearly (far more than we deserve), and forgives our sins. His Word (The Holy Bible) says if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before His Father in Heaven.

The Convenient Timing of the Coronavirus

The Convenient Timing of the Coronavirus: The Convenient Timing of the Coronavirus, BERNIE SANDERS, JOE BIDEN, Russia, Election, Burisma

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Exodus 32:35 " And the Lord plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made."
The Lord sent pestilences and other bad things down on the people at different times. Apparently it was an ongoing thing. After reading the whole chapter it does not appear to be referring to the slaughter of the 3,000 men in Exodus 32:28. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from Within

The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from Within: The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from Within, The 2020 elections will determine whether our Republic survives or falls from within to single-party socialist rule

Sunday, April 5, 2020

BIRTH OF A VIRUS … – Regie's Blog

BIRTH OF A VIRUS … – Regie's Blog

Will thet always be a failure

While its ASEAN neighbors have improved its GDP per capita in leaps and bounds, the Philippines remains in the bottom barrel.
It is amusing that the Philippines tries to compare itself to Singapore. Where Singapore allows 100% foreign equity in domestically registered corporations, the Philippines has an anachronistic 60/40, which restricts foreign equity to 40%. The GDP per capita of Singapore is roughly $55,000 while the Philippines is at $2753 - 25 times higher than the Philippines. So whoever is pushing the line that the Philippines is like Singapore, I hope he can share what he has been smoking.
The outcome of such a policy is clear - Filipinos go to Singapore to work for a foreign firm. The Philippine government just taxes the remittances of OFWs. Quite ironic that the Philippines 60/40 was the driver for working overseas because of a dearth of local jobs, and now taxes remittances and extorts money from OFWs through the POEA, OWWA, NAIA, NBI, NSO, DFA, and BIR. That's a thief rubbing salt in a wound injury caused by the same thief.
Filipinos are hardworking and fast learners. But would that really matter when their choice of employers in the Philippines is limited to an oligarchy protected by a predatory state? The state dictates their wages. In contrast, free and open markets allow 100% foreign-owned firms to pay Filipino workers over ten times the state’s wage standards.
The question therefore is not about the Philippines being doomed to fail. Rather what would it take to get the Philippines out of failure.
More taxes and regulations have only made matters worse. More nationalism has only made matters worse. More intrusions on individual liberties have made matters worse.
Have Filipinos figured it out? No, they haven't. They remain stuck watching the distractions on Filipino owned TV and mass media. They remain stuck in schools that are indoctrination facilities to perpetuate the status quo. They continue to take part in the illusion of elections, oblivious to the reality that politicians are selected by the elite. Their children are being murdered by policemen whose paychecks are paid by them.

1 thing is all that matters

What Really Matters . . .
One day when I get to heaven I may find out I was wrong about the age of the Earth, the manifestation of the sign gifts, the mode of baptism, the timing of the Parousia, or a host of other secondary issues. But you know what? I will still get there because none of those issues determine a person’s salvation.
Friends we can differ and be wrong on many non-essentials. I have my convictions, and you may have yours. I have Scripture to back mine up and I’m sure you do too. I am not saying these things don’t matter, doctrine always matters. But before you spend your life arguing about these topics, make sure you have settled in your heart the essentials that you cannot afford to be wrong on. That salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. That He is the virgin-born sinless Son of God who’s substitutionary atonement paid the penalty for sin, and by His bodily resurrection, He forever defeated death, hell, and the grave granting forgiveness of sin and eternal life to all who believe. Without Christ, you will never get there to find out if all the other things you were so passionate about were right or wrong and frankly you won’t care at that point for it will be too late. Tell others about Jesus and how they can know Him personally before debating with them over the other things. 

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet | World news | The Guardian

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet | World news | The Guardian

A Strange Dark Cloud Appeared in 536 AD that Changed History Dramatically

A Strange Dark Cloud Appeared in 536 AD that Changed History Dramatically

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tax collectors

During the time of Jesus, they divided Israel into many territories Herod the Greats descendants governed that. while Rome governed Judea. They were called procurators of Rome or Roman procurators.  Taxes were high there. Wealthy Jews would bid to get these positions. These wealthy Jews would then add more fees, above and beyond whatever was owed making them richer. Also, there were publicans, who collected a toll on imports, exports, and merchants who came to Israel to buy or sell.  Matthew was a publican. The religious leaders despised tax collectors they considered the tax collectors unclean because of their contact with the Romans. The tax collector’s testimonies were not accepted in court and tax collectors could not be redeemed under the law of Moses. When Jesus made friends with these men His ministry immediately came under scrutiny from the religious leaders.
Tax collectors were despised because they collected taxes for Rome.  Jesus saw this as an opportunity to teach that they would be accepted by Jesus if they would believe.