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Sunday, August 27, 2017

False Doctrine

 Prosperity Gospel teaches that if you just have enough faith, you will be healthy and rich. If this is true, then apostle Paul had no or had weak faith for he got sick and was not healed, did not become rich and was beheaded in the end by emperor Nero. Not only apostle Paul but the rest of the apostles have had no faith in God for they all died poor and suffered great distress and died brutal deaths.
Prosperity Gospel also teaches that if a Christian is still sick or poor even after sometime after his conversion, he may be hiding some unconfessed sins from God. This is a brutal doctrine for the genuine Christians who know deep inside that they are obeying God in the best way they can but still suffer from incurable sicknesses. The result of this teaching is doubting one's salvation and relationship with God.
Prosperity Gospel believers always blame Satan when they experience trials and hardships. They can't accept (and fight) the doctrine of God's absolute control of things, events and entities including Satan. They discourage mentioning of negative topics such as death (or preparation for it), bad experiences and of course sickness and poverty. They teach that the tongue has power (not God) to shape one's destiny and so they claim and name what they want making God a slave of their whims and wishes.
Prosperity Gospel is very attractive for people naturally want to live a good life free from sorrow and pain. But this view of the Gospel is in total opposition of Christ's teaching to His disciples, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24). Jesus did not promise a "good life" to all who follow Him. Apostle Paul taught this principle to Timothy, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Tim. 3:12).

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