Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Commenter: "I've been listening to the "our culture is crumbling all around us" fear since 1967 when my dad walked in on my watching some clip of Jimi Hendrix setting his guitar on fire. The fear gets trotted out regularly each decade following some culture shift or another. Whether one agrees with this Court decision or not, it won't change the things in the world that truly keep me up at night in prayer."
Response: "Well since that moment, 50 million children have been legally slaughtered, the divorce rate has skyrocketed, fatherless homes have become endemic, religious affiliation has dropped precipitously, secularism has taken over, pornography became a billion dollar industry, the distinction between male and female has been obliterated, drug use, depression, and sexual diseases have all become epidemics, and now marriage has been changed to accommodate homosexuals. But, yeah, all those people were totally overreacting. Everything is fine. You're right." -- Matt Walsh

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