Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


A small house on Samal Island in San Isidora province. The town of Babak is a few miles away. This place is in the Southern, Philippines.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Know Your Enemy (Part 70 - The United Religions)


Ceremonies and rituals cannot save a person, only Jesus can save us. Observing traditions of whatever sort cannot save anyone, only the blood of Christ can do that, and being transformed into His likeness can only be hindered by such things, for only personal relationship between the Master and His disciple can transform a person. 

What are some of the promises of God in the Bible?

What are some of the promises of God in the Bible?: What are some of the promises of God in the Bible? What types of things does God promise in the Bible? Can we rely on the promises of God?

Hezekiah, Strength of Jehovah (Pastor Charles Lawson)

Friday, November 17, 2017

Irish legend

Irish legend has it that the jack-o’-lantern was named after a folktale and a man named “Stingy Jack.” Stingy Jack thought he had tricked the devil, but the devil had the last laugh, condemning Jack to an eternity of wandering the planet with only an ember of hellfire for light. The original jack-o'-lanterns were carved from turnips, potatoes or beets. Immigrants brought the jack-o’-lantern custom to North America, which is where pumpkins were first used to make the Halloween decorations, and eventually became the gourd of choice.


Christian: A person who has put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice to save him or her from the guilt and penalty (Hell) of sin. Romans 10:8-10, 13, "But what does it say? 'The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart' (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation... For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved."

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Roman Catholic

Are Roman Catholics our brothers in Christ because of their faith in Jesus? Many evangelical leaders are making that claim. They are ignoring or dismissing the biblical warning that another Jesus will be preached (2 Cor. 11:4). Most recently, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas, interviewed Sean Hannity, a devout Roman Catholic during the Sunday morning worship hour. Jeffress said, “There will be millions of Catholics in heaven who have put their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.” Perhaps Jeffress does not know that Catholics worship and trust a false Christ who continues the work of redemption on an altar that the true Christ finished on the cross 2000 years ago (John 19:30). Perhaps Jeffress does not know that another Jesus always leads to another gospel which sends people to hell. Was this an inexcusable tragedy for Jeffress to embrace Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity on the weekend we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation? The Reformers were brutally tortured and burned at the stake for defending the exclusivity of the Gospel and exposing the false and fatal Gospel of Rome. Perhaps the true Gospel was withheld and concealed by Jeffress for political expediency and media popularity. Below is a summary of the Counterfiet Jesus of Roman Catholicism as he is presented in their Catechism.

Saturday, November 11, 2017


If Mary and Moses were in the Garden of Eden would they have listen to the serpent and eaten the forbidden fruit?
We do not know what would have happened. What we do know is that God created Adam and Eve in such a way that they could feely choose to obey or they could freely choose to rebel. God created Adam and Eve that way because if Adam and Eve were created like puppets then love would not mean anything.
If Mary and Moses were in the Garden of Eden would they have listen to the serpent and eaten the forbidden fruit?
We do not know what would have happened. What we do know is that God created Adam and Eve in such a way that they could feely choose to obey or they could freely choose to rebel. God created Adam and Eve that way because if Adam and Eve were created like puppets then love would not mean anything.

Monday, November 6, 2017

In the 1980's, emoticons became popular as typists used symbols to form smiley faces and winking faces and etc. to express emotion. Computer techs of the 1990's began designing graphics to upgrade the emoticon. Thus were born the emojis. The name, which has nothing to do with emotions, comes from the Japanese "moji," meaning “letter, character,” and "e," based on the ancient Japanese "ye," meaning “picture, drawing.”

How should a Christian view apartheid?

How should a Christian view

Saturday, November 4, 2017


"Apache" is a much-recorded instrumental written by Jerry Lordan. The original version was by Bert Weedon, but Lordan did not like the version. The British group the Shadows, recorded in June 1960 and released the next month. It topped the UK Singles Chart for five weeks. The recording was done at the EMI Abbey Road Studio in London. Singer-guitarist Joe Brown had bought an Italian-built guitar echo chamber that he did not like and gave it to Hank Marvin, who developed a distinctive sound using it and the tremolo arm of his Fender Stratocaster. Bruce Welchborrowed an acoustic Gibson J200 guitar from Cliff Richard, the heavy melodic bass was by Jet Harris, percussion was by Tony Meehan and Cliff Richard, who played a Chinese drum at the beginning and end to provide an atmosphere of stereotypically Native American music.

Begin the Relationship |

Begin the Relationship |

Begin the Relationship |

Begin the Relationship |

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Unfortunate Truth About Mother Teresa

                                          If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing             (1 Corinthians 13:3).

What Really Goes On At Mother Teresa's Mission In India? (2001)

                                                If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.          ( 1 Corinthians 3:13).